
George Campbell is a solo and song pianist based in the UK and Germany. He is passionate about a wide range of music, from the Renaissance era to the present day, and especially the music of Robert Schumann and Nikolai Medtner. George's playing has been praised for its heartfelt expression and spontaneity – a "living, breathing interpretation" – combined with a remarkable sensitivity for song music.

George's teachers include Jianing Kong, Alim Beisembayev and Simon Lepper at the Royal College of Music in London, as well as Friedemann Rieger and Götz Payer at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart.

His recent appearances include concerts with Hertfordshire Opera and a performance at the the Embassy of Hungary in Berlin. Together with the soprano Astrid Montén, George was a finalist in the 2024 Somerset Song Prize.